Drinking water is essential for maintaining overall health, as it supports various bodily functions such as joint lubrication, oxygen delivery, kidney protection, and more.
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With water constituting about 60% of the body and covering roughly 70% of the Earth’s surface, it’s surprising that staying hydrated often isn’t a top priority for many people.
Here are 15 benefits of drinking water:
1. Lubricates the Joints
Cartilage, which cushions joints and the spine’s discs, is made up of approximately 80% water. Chronic dehydration can impair the shock-absorbing capacity of these joints, leading to discomfort and pain.
2. Forms Saliva and Mucus
Saliva aids in digestion and keeps the mouth, nose, and eyes moist, preventing friction and damage.
Drinking water also helps keep the mouth clean and, when chosen over sugary drinks, can reduce the risk of tooth decay.
3. Delivers Oxygen Throughout the Body
Blood, which is more than 90% water, transports oxygen to various body parts.
Proper hydration supports this critical function.
4. Enhances Skin Health
Adequate water intake is linked to improved skin hydration and resilience.
Dehydration can make the skin more prone to disorders and dryness.
5. Cushions Sensitive Tissues
Water helps protect the brain, spinal cord, and other delicate tissues.
Dehydration can impair brain function, hormone production, and neurotransmitter activity, affecting cognitive performance.
6. Regulates Body Temperature
Water stored in the skin’s middle layers is released as sweat, which cools the body through evaporation.
Insufficient hydration can reduce heat tolerance and increase heat strain during exercise, though more research is needed.
7. Supports Digestive Health
Proper hydration aids bowel function and helps prevent constipation and acidity issues, reducing the risk of heartburn and ulcers.
8. Flushes Out Waste
Water is crucial for sweating, urination, and bowel movements, which help remove body waste.
9. Maintains Blood Pressure
Adequate hydration keeps blood thin, which supports normal blood pressure levels.
Dehydration can thicken blood, potentially lowering blood pressure.
10. Keeps Airway Functioning
Dehydration can cause the airways to constrict, worsening asthma and allergies.
Staying hydrated helps keep airways open and functioning properly.
11. Aids Nutrient Absorption
Water dissolves minerals and nutrients, making them accessible to different parts of the body for efficient absorption.
12. Prevents Kidney Damage
The kidneys rely on water to regulate fluid levels and prevent issues like kidney stones.
Adequate hydration is essential for kidney health.
13. Boosts Exercise Performance
Some studies suggest that increased water intake may enhance performance during physical activities.
Dehydration has been shown to impair performance in exercises lasting more than 30 minutes.
14. Supports Weight Loss
Drinking water instead of sugary beverages can assist with weight management.
Consuming water before meals can create a feeling of fullness, reducing the likelihood of overeating.
15. Reduces Hangover Risk
Alternating between alcoholic drinks and still water with ice and lemon can help moderate alcohol consumption and mitigate hangover effects.
Avoid mixing alcohol with carbonated beverages, as they can increase alcohol absorption.